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Restless Legs Syndrom Psychische Ursachen

The Best 21 Restless Legs Syndrom Psychische Ursachen - Smoking and being overweight can both be risk factors. [5] Psychiatric causes of RLS: Psychische Ursachen are suspected to be a cause of the Restless-Legs-Syndrom, as many people who suffer from anxiety or depression also suffer from the condition. A Restless-Legs-Syndrom can be caused by diabetes, iron deficiency, fen, and other krperstellen, as well as by nerve or blood pressure problems, or by psychological factors. The causes are still unknown. As with Restless Legs, an erbliche Anlage is clearly visible.

If the exact cause of the onset of the Restless Legs Syndrome is unknown, symptomatic treatment is used. This means that the symptoms of RLS should be reduced with the help of medications. However, the syndrome itself cannot be cured. The specific causes of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) are unknown. Previously, it was thought that RLS could be caused by diseases in the blood vessels of the legs or in the nerves that control leg movement and sensation, but both theories were rejected.

The Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a common and treatable nervous system disorder. A characteristic feature of RLS is a range of movement, particularly in the legs, but also in other parts of the body, which is associated with a wide range of symptoms ranging from numbness to pain. The cause of the Restless-Legs-Syndrom is most likely due to a slowed signal transmission in the nerves. The strung is most likely caused by a disrupted substance exchange of neurotransmitters - that is, the krpereigenen Substanzen that are responsible for signal transmission.

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