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In Japan, cherry blossoms are commonly connected with clouds owing to their mass blossoming, in addition to serving as a lasting metaphor for the transient quality of existence, a component of Japanese cultural heritage sometimes associated with Buddhist influence and expressed in the notion of mono no aware. Motoori Norinaga, an 18th-century scholar, first associated the cherry blossom with mono no aware. The blossoms' transience, exquisite beauty, and volatility have frequently been associated with mortality and the graceful and willing acceptance of fate and karma; as a result, cherry blossoms are richly symbolic and have been frequently used in Japanese art, manga, anime, and film, as well as for ambient effect during musical performances. There is at least one popular folk song named "Sakura" that was initially intended for the shakuhachi (bamboo flute), as well as numerous pop tunes. In Japan, the blossom is frequently featured on a wide variety of commercial items, including kimono, stationery, and dishware. You may download the following free PNG pictures from this page: Free download of Sakura PNG images

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