Hindi (Ã 1Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã ) is one of the Indian languages. It is the official language of India, alongside English. While spoken Hindi and Urdu are largely mutually intelligible, Urdu is often written using a modified Arabic script. The Devanagari script is the main writing system for Hindi; it is one of many scripts developed from the ancient Brahmi system. Devanagari is an abugida, which means that, unlike Greek or Latin, it does not have entire vowels. Its 33 consonants are written in their entirety, whereas vowels are denoted by diacritics that change the consonant character. Another distinction between Devanagari and the Greek and Latin alphabets is that it does not discriminate between upper and lower case; rather, like those alphabets, it is written left to right. Devanagari is easily identifiable by the horizontal line at the top of each letter.
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