Attack on Titan (é2® äoo Shingeki no Kyojin) is a Hajime Isayama manga series. The series is based on a fictitious account of humanity's last fight against huge man-eating beasts known as Titans. The series began in 2009 and has already lasted six years. The manga adaptation of Attack on Titans is likely to maintain its popularity and even improve over time. According to Kuwakubo Shintaro, the manga's editor, around three years' worth of chapters remain unpublished.
Are you prepared for the next Attack on Titan? With this unique four-volume box set, you can begin reading the manga that inspired the megahit anime! These four volumes approximately correlate to the anime's first 13 episodes - season 1's first half. Additionally, two EXCLUSIVE sticker sets with your favorite characters are included! The weird, enormous humanoids known as the Titans have wreaked havoc on humanity. Little is known about their origins or motivations for eating mankind. They seem to be dumb and have spent years annihilating humanity. For the last century, what remains of humanity has been concealed behind a massive, three-walled metropolis. The inhabitants think their 100-meter-tall walls will protect them from the Titans, who stand between ten and twenty meters tall. However, the unexpected entrance of an enormous Titan is going to alter everything.
Tantm:°nsanlarn ve devlerin olduu insanlar, devler tarafndan s1rekli saldrya urayarak ld14r14lmektedir. Bu durumdan kurtulmak iin insanlar, ehirlerini devlerin ulaamayaca y1 4kseklikte surlarla evirmi ve uzun yllar devlerin saldrsndan korunmuolarr. Mikasa Ackerman ve Eren Yeager, bu surlarla evrili ehirde yaamaktadr. Eren, bu surlarn g14venlik iin yeterli olmadn d144nmekte, devlerle savamak ve surlarn dndaki d144nyay grmektedir. Birg1 4n, hi gr1 4lmemi b1 4y1 4kl1 4kte bir dev ehre saldrr ve surlarda bir delik aar. Bu delikten ehre akn eden devler ehri yakp ykarlar. Eren ve Mikasa, bu saldrdan sa kurtulmay baarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Eren'in gz14 n14nde annesin katleder, fakat devler. Eren ve Mikasa, adayacakalardr sonra hayatlarn devlerle savamaya ve annelerinin intikamn almaya adayacakalardr. Bilgilendirme: Shingeki No Kyojin animesinin son bl1 4m1 4n1 4 (25. Bl1 4m) izlemi kiiler, mangasinin 34. bl1 4mden sonrasn okuyabilirler. Shingeki No Kyojin - 2. Sezon animesinin bl14m14n14 (12. Bl14m) izlemi kiiler, mangada 51. bl14mden okumaya balayabilirler.
A century ago, the monstrous Titans emerged and devoured all mankind save for a few thousand. The survivors sought shelter behind colossal walls. Today, the Titans' danger is a distant memory, and a young man called Eren longs to see the world beyond Wall Maria. However, what started as a childlike fantasy will become a terrifying reality when the Titans reappear and mankind is once again on the verge of destruction... Attack on Titan is the critically acclaimed and New York Times bestselling manga series of the decade! Attack on Titan has become a pop cultural phenomenon after giving birth to the monster hit anime television series of the same name.