implant with a low-lying placenta (referred to as placenta previa) and should not cause you any problems. How does this affect my baby's movements?
An anterior placenta has frequently been associated with a placenta that is 'low-lying.' The two, however, are unrelated. A low-lying placenta, also known as placenta praevia, occurs when the placenta is positioned low and may cover the cervix. This usually means you'll be scheduled for another scan to ensure the placenta has moved away from the womb's entrance. Is an anterior placenta associated with complications?
What Is Anterior Placenta Means
extremely low in the uterus, it can partially or completely block the cervix, a condition known as placenta previa. Cesarean section will be required at that point. However, because the placenta moves frequently within the uterus during pregnancy, there is still a chance that the placenta lying low will move into the upper part, allowing the mother to safely deliver the baby on time.
A posterior placenta occurs when the placenta attaches to the back of the uterus. While both anterior and posterior positions are common, there is some evidence that the location of the placenta may have an effect on certain adverse pregnancy outcomes. According to one study, pregnant women with anterior placentas face an increased risk of:
What Does Anterior Placenta Mean
keeping yourself and your baby healthy throughout your pregnancy. The majority of physicians would confidently tell you that the risks of an anterior placenta are low. You may simply have to wait a little while longer to feel those vital kicks and elbow jabs! Naturally, if you have any concerns, consult your physician. Concerning the experts:
If you have an ultrasound earlier in pregnancy, you may discover that you have an anterior placenta. However, just because an early ultrasound shows an anterior (or even a low-lying) placenta does not mean that is where the placenta will remain. The position of the placenta frequently changes as the uterus stretches and grows. As the weeks pass, an anterior placenta may migrate toward the top, sides, or back of the uterus.
What Does Anterior Low Placenta Mean
to a stethoscope, but is specifically used to detect fetal heart tones. It is non-invasive and does not rely on ultrasound like a doppler, so anyone can use it without a medical indication. However, because my placentas were always in the front, my fetoscope was never able to pick up on my baby's heartbeat. Rather than that, I heard my own heartbeat loud and clear. I could hear my placenta!
You've already undergone a C-section or other uterine surgery. This can result in scarring on the uterus, preventing the placenta from latching onto the uterine walls where it should, resulting in a low-lying placenta. You're attempting to conceive via IVF (in vitro fertilization). IVF has frequently been associated with placental abnormalities and previa.