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Handy Bilderkennung Google Foto Suche

The other function is very useful if you like to work as paperlessly as possible: Google Photos now recognizes nimbly better when you photograph a document and automatically converts it to a PDF. This renders third-party applications, such as Scanbot, completely useless. Because these PDFs are stored in the cloud, they are also easily accessible. Both features should be available in the app over the next several months. Google now recognizes contacts on images and prompts users to share them. (Google, 2018)

Bilderkennung (english picture analysis) is a subfield of pattern recognition and image processing. In image recognition, the goal is to segment objects within an image. This is given a symbolic description, but no attempt is made to find connections between the objects, as is done in pattern analysis. The capability of software, objects, places, people, letters, and actions to be recognized in images is referred to as image recognition in the context of image processing. Computers may use image processing technologies in conjunction with a camera and software for artificial intelligence to create images of objects.

Google Googles is now available on Android smartphones through the Google Android Market. Google has committed in a press release to making the program available for other platforms such as the Apple iPhone or Windows Mobile smartphones. Google Googles ist ein experimentelles Produkt von Google Labs. It is currently in the testing phase and is being actively developed. Google Goggles works best with inanimate objects like as books, DVDs, and other products, as well as with Seensw14rdigkeiten and other physical locations. Food, automobiles, animals, and plants are currently unknown.

For example, using Visitenkarten, you may save phone numbers and addresses in your contacts, add event dates from flyers and posters to your calendar, or display information on buildings, gardens, artworks, plants, and animals.

Google Lens is compatible with Google Photos on iOS and Android devices starting with version 3.15. According to Google, Lens may currently be used only when the user's language setting is set to English. (dpa)

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